Does the healthy human brain have its own stable microbiota? Thus far, at least one peer-reviewed study (1) appears to suggest ‘healthy’ human brains could have their own share of microbiota.

A simple enough study (1), the authors performed deep sequencing of white matter-derived RNA from 4 HIV patients, 4 other disease controls and 2 cerebral surgical resections from epilepsy patients, and found alpha-proteobacteria in all of them as well as some herpes viruses and bacteriophages. Given none of the brains were technically from ‘healthy’ individuals, results from such a small study are inconclusive and will remain so until replicated or until other studies report finding other micro-organisms in healthy human brains. However, such a task is very much uphill and definitely not for the faint-hearted.

Human gut microbiota is unremarkable because it’s entirely expected. OTOH, brain microbiota is far more controversial simply because microbes are unexpected in such supposedly sterile organs as the healthy brain. Any and every critique applied to human brain microbiota is just as applicable to human gut microbiota since similar methods are used to analyze microbiota anywhere.

After all, microbiota analysis methods have considerable problems in the form of study design flaws, poor data quality and reproducibility, and ambiguous and questionable statistical approaches used for data analysis (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), except such critiques are usually glossed over in human gut microbiota studies even as they would likely be the centerpiece of focus about microbiota found in unexpected places such as the human brain.

Finding microbes in the healthy human brain would thus get parsed using much more stringent critiques that just don’t get applied to human gut microbiota analysis. Unsurprising then that the result of this sole study was easily considered suspect and discredited with the argument that microbiota such as alpha-proteobacteria are often found as contaminants (9). Casting doubt on the method casts doubt on the results.

Rightly or wrongly, the brain is typically privileged as the seat of the super-self. Microbes in the healthy brain necessitates some means of surveillance by the immune system but for a mindset that privileges the brain, both microbes and the immune system are potentially threatening invaders, given their unpredictable capacity for invasion, damage and just plain downright mischief. No surprise then that for long the consensus has been that the brain has systems in place to keep both the immune system and microbes at bay.

One of the clearest examples of such a system is the notion of Immune privilege – Wikipedia, an idea initially articulated by Peter Medawar – Wikipedia, which holds that being exquisitely vulnerable to irreversible inflammatory damage, certain parts of the body such as the brain limit their interaction with the environment beyond, and with the immune system in particular. The Blood–brain barrier – Wikipedia (BBB) embodies immune privilege in the form of a physical barrier preventing the immune system from fully accessing the brain. If the circulating immune system itself is supposed to have limited access to the brain, it’s not surprising that it then follows that microbes in the brain would be considered not a feature of health but of disease.

However, the notion of immune privilege lacks evolutionary coherence. Any part of the body inaccessible or poorly or less accessible to the immune system renders it unprotected. Akin to open sesame to pathogens, such an idea makes no evolutionary sense whatsoever. All the more flabbergasting then that this idea remained an entirely acceptable construct for decades and lingers on even in current thinking, as evidenced by an entire Wikipedia article devoted to it that discusses it wholly at face value, without ever referring to the hugely problematic implication of its evolutionary unworkability.

Steady drumbeat of data in recent years has however provided a couple of countervailing pieces of evidence that suggest the ground may be fast getting cut out from under the bastions holding the old ideas of immune privilege and BBB in place,

  • Numerous studies (see reviews 10, 11, 12, 13, 14), especially in preclinical animal models, have now shown gut microbiota influence many if not most aspects of brain development and function.
  • The 2015 report that contrary to long-held dogma, the (rodent) brain isn’t devoid of lymphatics (15, 16, 17). The so-called BBB may not be an unimpregnable barricade after all.

There remains then only the small (ahem!) matter of reconciling current immune system theory to healthy human brain microbiota as in how could the immune system tolerate them without constant, protracted inflammation? It’s doable if one accepts that any commensal microbiota that applied evolutionary selection pressure would be tolerated through the process of thymic Central tolerance – Wikipedia wedded to antigen-specific Regulatory T cell – Wikipedia development and function.

However, current immunological dogma would consider such an argument heretical since it assumes the immune system ontogenetically learns within each individual’s lifetime to distinguish what is self from what is not. OTOH, microbiota in the healthy human brain is not a problem for those like me who believe immune, especially T cell, development to be a phylogenetically powered process that is being perfected over the evolutionary history of a species. Only time and weight of scientific evidence favoring one or the other view will settle that debate.


1. Branton, William G., et al. “Brain microbial populations in HIV/AIDS: α-proteobacteria predominate independent of host immune status.” PloS one 8.1 (2013): e54673.…

2. Lozupone, Catherine A., et al. “Meta-analyses of studies of the human microbiota.” Genome research 23.10 (2013): 1704-1714. Meta-analyses of studies of the human microbiota

3. Goodrich, Julia K., et al. “Conducting a microbiome study.” Cell 158.2 (2014): 250-262.…

4. McMurdie, Paul J., and Susan Holmes. “Waste not, want not: why rarefying microbiome data is inadmissible.” PLoS computational biology 10.4 (2014): e1003531.…

5. Sinha, Rashmi, et al. “The microbiome quality control project: baseline study design and future directions.” Genome biology 16.1 (2015): 276. https://genomebiology.biomedcent…

6. Weiss, Sophie, et al. “Correlation detection strategies in microbial data sets vary widely in sensitivity and precision.” ISME J 10.7 (2016): 1669-1691.…

7. Boers, Stefan A., Ruud Jansen, and John P. Hays. “Suddenly everyone is a microbiota specialist.” Clinical Microbiology and Infection 22.7 (2016): 581-582. http://www.clinicalmicrobiologya…

8. Bik, Elisabeth M. “Focus: microbiome: the hoops, hopes, and hypes of human microbiome research.” The Yale journal of biology and medicine 89.3 (2016): 363.…

9. Salter, Susannah J., et al. “Reagent and laboratory contamination can critically impact sequence-based microbiome analyses.” BMC biology 12.1 (2014): 87.…

10. Diamond, Betty, et al. “It takes guts to grow a brain.” Bioessays 33.8 (2011): 588-591.…

11. Al-Asmakh, Maha, et al. “Gut microbial communities modulating brain development and function.” Gut microbes 3.4 (2012): 366-373.…

12. Collins, Stephen M., Michael Surette, and Premysl Bercik. “The interplay between the intestinal microbiota and the brain.” Nature reviews. Microbiology 10.11 (2012): 735.

13. Tillisch, Kirsten. “The effects of gut microbiota on CNS function in humans.” Gut microbes 5.3 (2014): 404-410.…

14. Sampson, Timothy R., and Sarkis K. Mazmanian. “Control of brain development, function, and behavior by the microbiome.” Cell host & microbe 17.5 (2015): 565-576.…

15. Louveau, Antoine, et al. “Structural and functional features of central nervous system lymphatics.” Nature 523.7560 (2015): 337.…

16. Tirumalai Kamala’s answer to Why aren’t there lymph nodes in the brain?

17. Tirumalai Kamala’s answer to Why did it take so long to discover that the brain is connected to the immune system?